Friday, August 19, 2011


Ok ok ok.  I admit it - I'm a horrible blogger.  I love the idea of blogging, but I'm not very good at actually going through with it.  I'm also not a very good writer.  How do people make the time to sit down and write?  

Actually, I know that answer, they make time because it's important to them.  It's a priority.  I just recently finished the book "Quitter" by Jon Acuff.  It is a book about "closing the gap between your dream job and your day job."  I bought it because I would love to become a caterer.  My life pretty much revolves around food.  If I'm not currently eating, I'm thinking about what my next meal should be, or looking up recipes to make one day.  I have 5 pinterest boards devoted to food or the kitchen.  Anyways, one of the many lessons in the book is to actually practice your dream.  And I do practice.  I love to cook.  Every meal may not be difficult, or creative, or outstanding, but I love cooking every one of them.  But what do I have to show for that passion, that love, besides the mess in my kitchen and the number on the scale?  I need to start documenting the meals I create, large and small, special and mundane.  That way I can have something to show when (cross my fingers) one day people want me to cook for them.  

A friend of mine and I have been talking about starting a party planning business.  We co-hosted a wedding shower together for friends of ours and it turned out really nice, and we've been wanting to turn that into something more.  She is far more creative than I am when it comes to putting together ideas, but I'll work my tail off, and I would love it if we could include catering into the business.  My friend has 2 smalls boys, a full time job, and an internet business, so she is super busy, and the timing isn't quite right for our idea.  But, if I stock up on photos and blog posts on here, when the time comes I'll have plenty to add to our party planning blog.  

I do know that I won't do step-by-step pictures of all my recipes.  Some recipes, yes, but most of them, no.  I want people to ask me to cook for them, not teach them how to do it themselves!  One issue I'm struggling with though, is I don't have any original recipes.  I follow other's recipes.  If I have a recipe in front of me, I can follow it so it comes out perfectly.  But, should I learn how to cook something on my own?  Should I go to culinary school?  There are at least two local colleges that offer culinary programs.  One of them is a 6 month, 5 nights a week program.  That sounds very overwhelming!  The other college sounds like it offers classes more like I'm used to.  I flip flop back and forth on this all the time.  On one hand, it would be wonderful if I could learn everything possible about cooking, recipe building, presentation, etc.  On the other hand, it's expensive, and I think I could come up with enough to be successful.  But do I want to just "come up with enough"?  Is that enough?  But again, I don't know where I'll come up with the money to pay for culinary school without some extra income.  I don't know what to do...

Anyways, back to the point of this post.  I'm a horrible blogger, but if I want to make cooking and catering a priority in my life, I can use this blog as a tool.  Many people may not see it, but I can store ideas and creations here for when I'm ready to reveal them.  Now to actually do it...

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