Friday, October 21, 2011

Growing Pains

I don't understand how I've spent my whole life trying not to get pregnant, and now that I want to be pregnant, it hasn't happened.  It seems like with how much we go through to not get knocked up, we instantly get pregnant the first time we try, right?  Apparently not the case. 

When Hubby and first starting talking about trying, we said we'd just stop trying not to get pregnant and whatever happens happens.  Yeah, that lasted about a day for me.  Next thing I know, I've ordered a book on the Fertility Awareness Method and Google-ing everything I can about trying to conceive.  I'm charting, taking temperatures, tests, etc.  But, I'm afraid that all this attention to myself has thrown me all out of whack, and it just hasn't happened yet.  I know that everyone says that it takes awhile.  You should try for at least a year before asking the doctor to test for fertility problems.  But now that we're trying it get frustrating quickly!  And to top it all off, it seems like EVERYONE else is pregnant.  Everyday it seem like I see someone else on Facebook announcing they're pregnant or get a text or email about it.  But, our time will come, right?

Last night we had one of our friends over for dinner, and we started talking about how much we would love to be a kid again.  We seriously had nothing to worry about except who we were going to play with and what game we could invent next.  Now everything is about bills, money, chores, stress, jobs, etc.  

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