Monday, October 4, 2010

My Weekend Was...

Complete the sentence with one of the following options:

Happy.  Fun.  Unproductive.  Boring.  Relaxing.  A Reunion.  All of the above.

My hubby has been traveling for work.  A lot.  In the past month he's been to London and Bristol in the UK, Toronto, and Las Vegas.  He got home Saturday evening from Vegas, and has to leave again tomorrow for Kentucky. 

I thought that I would be fine with his traveling.  I mean, I used to be a pretty independant girl!  But I seriously just miss him constantly when he's gone!  I told my friend Sarah the day after Hubby left for London that all I wanted to do was crawl under the covers and wait for him to get home. 

I'm not sure when I got like this.  I'm not sure if I've just grown so dependant on him, or if I've somehow developed some sort of social anxiety disorder.  I hate calling people to see what they're doing because I'm afraid it'll sound like I'm inviting myself along to do stuff.  When Hubby is home, I usually just wait to see what he comes up with to do, and then go along with it.  It always works fine for me, but when he's gone for 2 1/2 weeks, it doesn't work out.

Anyways, he came home on Saturday and we went to a few bars to watch football and to see some friends.  Sundays I usually try to get some things done around the house ("try" being the key word) but this Sunday since Hubby was exhausted, and I was pretty tired from the night before, we tried to catch up on our recordings on our DVR.  We did a pretty good job of it too!

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